CCNH Difference Makers – Marveley Larmond

Marveley Larmond

“Difference Makers” is a new blog series highlighting some of the many amazing employees at Catholic Charities New Hampshire, each making a positive impact on the individuals, families and communities we serve, in their own unique ways.

If you walk into St. Teresa Rehabilitation and Nursing Center in Manchester, it won’t take long to either meet or hear about Marveley Larmond, one of our LMNAs (Licensed Medication Nursing Assistants). The residents love her, her colleagues adore her – and she brings quite a unique perspective to both her professional and personal life. Let’s learn about Marveley!

How long have you worked at St. Teresa Rehabilitation and Nursing Center?

I’ve been at St. Teresa for more than 14 years. Next April (2020) will mark 15 years!

What do you enjoy most about working at St. Teresa Rehabilitation and Nursing Center?

I wake up every day excited to come to work. The staff is very collaborative, supportive of each other and the lines of communication are always open. The residents are special too – I love hearing their stories and feel blessed to have built a great rapport with so many of them. The way I see it – I’m not here to only provide care for our residents, I’m here to build meaningful connections with them as much as I can.

Why is St. Teresa Rehabilitation and Nursing Center a special place?

St. Teresa is a blessing to me. Working here not only brings joy to my life, it also provides stability for my family and me. It’s my home away from home.

What is so unique about the Catholic Charities culture at St. Teresa Rehabilitation and Nursing Center?

St. Teresa isn’t your ordinary skilled nursing facility – it’s an outstanding place to work. As a Catholic Charities New Hampshire facility, the strong Catholic roots and mission of serving others echoes throughout the building. It’s a very calm and relaxing atmosphere, one that gives you a strong peace of mind knowing you’re working in a very safe environment. St. Teresa isn’t only a place to work – it’s a vibrant community based on family.

What does working here mean to you?

St. Teresa and Catholic Charities New Hampshire have been very good to me. They’ve helped nurture my career from when I first came in as an LNA. They encouraged me to get my LMNA license and have supported me throughout the process, even assisting with some of my tuition. The staff is incredibly helpful and very patient. Every day, I’m learning new skills and furthering my confidence to be the best nursing professional I can be.

What is most rewarding about your work?

When I head home for the evening, I always have a great feeling knowing that my day is complete in a very positive way. I leave with a peace of mind knowing that I did a good job. That alone gives me a great deal of strength.

Why do you love helping others?

Helping others is my passion. I don’t like to see people feeling worried or alone. I try to do all I can to make sure they are as happy and comfortable as they can be, especially our residents.

Marveley Larmond at St. Teresa Rehabilitation and Nursing Center

What is one of your favorite memories working at St. Teresa Rehabilitation and Nursing Center?

There was a former resident who would go to the coffee bar in our lobby every morning like clockwork. And most days, she would joke “hot, hot, hot!” It turns out she was always trying to get coffee for me. Instead of me serving her, she was trying to serve me. It was very special.

Describe St. Teresa Rehabilitation and Nursing Center in 3 words.

St. Teresa is immaculate, clean and family-oriented.

What do you enjoy doing outside of work? What are some of your hobbies?

I love basketball and soccer, whether it’s playing with my kids, watching them compete or following my favorite teams. I’m a big fan of the New England Revolution and the “Reggae Girlz,” the Jamaican women’s national soccer team. I also enjoy the outdoors, especially walking on the many trails and parks the area has to offer.

What do you love about New Hampshire?

New Hampshire is a beautiful state, one in which I’m proud to call home. I love the mountains, the lakes and the foliage. The summers here are gorgeous with so much to do. I also view New Hampshire as a place that has provided my family with stability, opportunity and so much to look forward to in the future.

What is your favorite vacation spot?

Honolulu, Hawaii. I like the weather, the food and the ocean. The culture is phenomenal too.

Favorite motto or quote?

“Reach for Your Dreams.” It’s a motto I often tell my kids. Nothing is impossible.

Favorite movie?

Forrest Gump. Run, Forrest, Run!

What is your favorite book?

I love to read mystery books, especially as I begin to figure out what will happen. It’s always fun to solve the case before you reach the end of the book.

Who is the person you admire most?

Iyanla Vanzant, an incredible relationship coach, author and inspirational speaker. She’s a very positive person to draw from, even in the most challenging times or instances where you may not have achieved a goal you wanted. As she says, “rejection is God’s way to prepare you.”

If you were to write a book about yourself, what would you name it?

“Life is What You Make It” – because when you have dreams, it’s up to you to take them where you want them to go. You have to prepare. You can’t just sit there and wait for someone to hand it to you.

Are you interested in joining Marveley on our Catholic Charities New Hampshire team? Click here to discover your next opportunity.