Ernesto: Blessed to Deliver & Serve

Ernesto Pinder’s great-grandmother was an important role model in his childhood and he has always revered seniors, who, he says, “gave so much on this earth, so it’s our time to give back to them.”
Giving back is what Ernesto does as a long-time volunteer for CareGivers’ Caring Cupboard program, where he delivers monthly groceries to homebound seniors facing food insecurity, an issue that was also prominent in his childhood.
What drew you to volunteer delivering food to seniors?
Growing up, I lived in a single parent household and routinely, there was more month, than money. Several times in my childhood I remember that we had to rely on food pantries for Thanksgiving or as a way to stretch the budget to have groceries and food to eat. Making these deliveries is something that’s close to me and is more personal. What these seniors are going through isn’t a slight inconvenience, this is food that they need to live and maintain themselves, so volunteering was an easy opportunity for me to be able to give back.
How much time do you put into this?
I volunteer one day a month for CareGivers during a flexible window of time, and I can do my 5 or 6 deliveries in a couple hours, start to finish. It’s the best two hours you’ll ever spend – light impact on your schedule, but a huge impact on the people you’re serving in the community.

What are some keys to being an impactful volunteer?
In addition to bringing seniors these important groceries, this is also an opportunity to give them some social interaction. Sometimes these individuals have very limited activity outside the house, or with family, so it gives us that ability to serve in that capacity. I deliver to different people each time and everyone is so friendly and grateful.
I think it just takes putting everything into perspective. Whatever we have going on, somebody has it way worse and we have to practice the attitude of service. It’s about wanting to make a real tangible impact now, not tomorrow, not down the road. Do what we can today for those who need help.
Why should someone consider volunteering for CareGivers?
Every time you deliver it’s a new adventure. You get to meet different people, who are in different situations. But they’re all in a situation that seems insurmountable and many are having to make really tough decisions. Do I buy groceries? Do I buy medication? Just having to think about that alone brings about so much stress and overwhelms them. The fact that CareGivers is able to fill that void is huge and I’m just blessed to be a part of that.
Volunteer at Catholic Charities NH
Volunteering at Catholic Charities NH is the perfect opportunity to give back to your community in a meaningful way, and support our programs that create hope and opportunity for our NH neighbors facing some of their most difficult moments.