Mardi Gras Gala Sets Fundraising Record
February 13, 2019

Thanks to all of you – our amazing sponsors, auction item donors and attendees, the 14th Annual Mardi Gras Gala brought in more than $186,000 to help New Hampshire children, adults and elderly in need. This is up 43% over last year!
Our guests, along with generous lead sponsorships from CGI Business Solutions and Citizens Bank, as well as sponsorships from other local businesses, took the event to a new level. Highlights from the evening included guests, Kalila and Sydney (video below) and matching Fund-A-Need gifts from Knights of Columbus Bishop Peterson Council #4442 and Harvard Pilgrim Health Care.
A generous, anonymous donation of $35,000 was also an unexpected surprise for the evening. New this year was the mobile bidding platform, which allowed guests to socialize and continue to bid throughout the evening.
Attendees also had the opportunity to meet Kalila, who thanks to your support, is on solid footing and building a future for her and her daughter. See their story:
On behalf of our staff and the many individuals and families we help statewide, thank you for your support. We hope to see you next year!
Photo credit: Janelle Sprague Photography.