Liberty House Earns NHCORR Certification
As an NHCORR Certified Recovery Residence, Liberty House meets and exceeds national best practice standards with its program for Veterans.
Discover how two Catholic Charities New Hampshire programs – Our Place and the NH Food Bank – came together to move a Moriah’s life forward.
The New Hampshire Food Bank, a program of Catholic Charities New Hampshire, is pleased to announce that after a lengthy and intensive national search, Brentwood resident Eileen Groll Liponis has been named the new Food Bank executive director.
Catholic Charities New Hampshire announced today that Mel Gosselin, Executive Director of the New Hampshire Food Bank, is resigning to pursue other career opportunities.
“I have the coolest job ever, we take unemployed people and teach them a skill while feeding the hungry.”—Chef Paul Morrison The NH Food Bank’s Culinary Training […]